Jumat, 19 November 2010

shocking soda

shocking soda :D ups i mean shocking day. bukan cuma shocking day b sih. tapi jugo shocking score, shocking exam, shocking sya-la-la-la. ayo tebak tebak tebak. ayoooo tebak ! hari ini aku hepi baneeeeeeeeeeeet *kanji aku umumin sekarang aja yah. siap siap

nilai TIK ku 90 ^^

yeeeeeeeee. ini sangat sangat sangaat menggembirakan. aku ulangi yaa

nilai TIK ku 90 ^^

aku merasa amat-amat bangga setelah 2 kali remed.
uhb 1: kawan sekelas lah yakin galo nilainyo bakal besak dan nyatanya? memang mereka nilainyo bagus galo. saat itu alin idak masuk jadi cuma dikasi tau dari sms. pas dapet sms, alin idk terlalu syok soalnyo alin pikir ado yang remed jugo. tapi pas masuk sekolah, alin dengan pd ny tanyo sm kawan kawan yang lain berapo nilai mereka. dan tebak ! mereka dapet besak galo ya allah. dan alin ?

" satu-satunya siswa yang remidi UHB 1 TIK di sekolah"

terkesan mempermalukan diri sendiri. tapi dk masalah lah -,-

uhb 2: kawan-kawan sekelas tambah pd bakal dapet nilai bagus. dan aku ?

"lagi-lagi remed !"

oh my god! sudah memang lah dk pede bakal dapet nilai bagus. jadi pasrah

tapi di mid ini, alin bener bener punyo passion buat ngejer nilai bagus. please deh. masak remidi 3 kali -,- dan setelah nilai dibagikan

yeeeeee nilai alin 90 !!!

bangganya :*****

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

i hope you find it

These clouds aren't going nowhere, baby
Rain keeps coming down
I just thought I'd try to call you, baby
For you got too far outta town
And I hope that you get this message that I'm leaving for you
'Cause I hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to

And I hope you find it,
What you're looking for
And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be
And so much more

And I hope you're happy, wherever you are
I wanted you to know that
And nothing's gonna change that
And I hope you find it

Am I supposed to hang around and wait forever?
Last words that I said
But that was nothing but a broken heart talkin', baby
You know that wasn't what I meant
Call me up, let me know that you got this message that I'm leaving for you
'Cause I hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to

And I hope you find it,
What you're looking for
And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be
And so much more

And I hope you're happy, wherever you are
I wanted you to know that
And nothing's gonna change that
And I hope you find it
Whatever it is out there that you were missing here

And I hope you find it,
What you're looking you
And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be
And so much more

And I hope you're happy wherever you are
I wanted you to know that
And nothing's gonna change that
No, no, no
And I hope you find it
I hope you find it

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

is it great ?

oh beybeh ! liat header baruku . what do you think about it? is it great? great great great :) aku menamakan tema blog ku hmm romantic art -,- gak ngerti juga sih darimana asalnya. di postinganku sebelumnya, aku bilang aku gak mau ganti header, tapi kita pasti mengalami seleksi alam kan? nah header ku mengalami itu. makanya aku ubah semuanya mulai dari header sampe pengaturan warna dan layoutnya. is it great? segini aja sih postingannya. bener bener gak penting ._.

my cute embolism

Dream ~ everybody knew about it. My next progress is pharmacy. I don’t know where it came from. I love pharmacy so much, and I know my mother loved it too so much. It started when I and my friend got a daily test in my school. It was shocked when I see my score. Oh my God! I can get asthma when I see my bad score but I felt so charm when I see my chemistry score. It was 98! It’s a good score for me. It can make me smile. It can make me feel so strong. I got my lost passion again when I see my chemistry score. But that’s not over. When you got support from your family and your mate, it will make you feel so sure you can reach your dream. And that’s what I feel now. My mate and my family support my dream, but how about myself? Am I sure? If I want to study pharmacy, it means that I must go to another city to reach it and you know what? It means that I will separate with my family and of course my parents. Oh my god! How can? I can’t live far from my parents, especially with my condition now. Since I got sick in my embolism, I think I can’t live far from my parents. And my parents think like it too. They don’t support me full. They still think about my life in other city. Can I manage myself alone? Can I? I think I can’t but I must can. Oh please god! Give me a bright solution *-) please god :$

you don't talk to much, i like you

Call me pathetic, but I really wanna be like Carl and Ellie

it's all started when they were kids

and then the puppy love starts to grow

then like any other couples in love will do, they got married

the fairytale continues..

until their hair turns into white

people say that age doesnt really matter when it comes into love. but yes, it does.

Ellie leaves the world first, so that Carl's alone now

but their simple life will always be the adventure that Carl won't forget

Senin, 01 November 2010

cute stuff around me

hai :) postinganku kali ini akan membahas tentang beberapa benda lucu yang ada di sekitarku. gak lucu sih sebenernya tapi buat aku barang barang ini sangaaaaaaaaaaaat berarti. aku suka semua benda-benda di bawah ini dan aku mulai akan mereview nya satu satu.

check this out !

1. jaket e-SLB

gambar 1 tampak belakang lapis pertama

gamabar 2 tampak depan lapis pertama

gambar 3 tampak belakang lapis kedua

gambar 4 tampak depan lapis kedua

aku sayang jaket ini. aku sayaaaaaaaaaang. ini jaket kelasku loo. jaket e-SLB. aku kayaknya pernah deh bahas tentang kelas aku sebelumnya. aku sayang kelasku, aku sayang teman temanku, guruku, wali kelasku, teman sebangkuku (ups ! hahaha) dan tentunya jaketkuu :*

dan ada satu lagi yang lebih istimewa. jaket ini resmi dibagiin hari ini, tanggal 01112010 :) pas ultah lulu hehe jadi aku mudah ngingetnya. ultahnya jaket e-SLB berarti ultahnya lulu :D

gambar 5 tampak belakang lapis kedua. sejujurny aku gak ngerti sih apa maksud gambar ini. lupakan -.-

gambar 6 ini bener bener jaket aku loo. ada namanya dan itu nama aku. kenapa aku tambahin icon :D ? iseng aja sih. tapi aku artiin asal aja. itu berarti aku akan selalu senyum dan tertawa di e-SLB ! aku sayang e-SLB ! makanya aku ngakak terus #asal

what is it ? yaa ini barcode. barcode yang bertuliskan 2010. mengapa ? yaa mudah jawabnya :p kami pilih tahun 2010 karena e-SLB memang dibentuk tahun 2010. simpel kan ?

2. gantungan pintu upin :*

bagus gak ? bagus dong ! ini gantungan pintu kamarku :) kalian pasti tau siapa yang nongol di gantungan itu . yaap ! upin ! aku sayang upin :* aku suka upin :* terkesan norak dan kekanakan memang tapi siapa yang bisa nolak selera ? ahahha